The artists travel to Alto Patache where they develop a site-specific performance. This time they film the patterns of turbulence in motion as a real-time visualization of the spatio-temporal behaviour of the camanchaca, specially broadcasted for the Garden presented by PRISMA in Ars Electronica 2020. They take advantage of the coincidence of the Festival’s date with one of the best times of the year for the observation of camanchaca in abundance. The project shows KMNCHK ScanLab functioning on-site, as well as the multiple artefacts spread upon this particular landscape which are used to monitor and harvest the cloud, such as weather stations, fog catchers and scientific settlements.
This section presents a cloud of suspended material surrounding the NEBULA Project: a cloud of work produced before, during and after the first expedition of the team. The cloud comprises fog-scans, weather datasheets, landscape photos, an expedition journey log, sketches, artefacts blueprints, topographical maps, GPS coordinates, laser visibility tests and footage of Suspensión / Traducción / Amplificación, which has been the first output of the project for the 14° Bienal de Artes Mediales (Santiago, 2019).
In the NEBULA Project, the chaotic inner geometry of camanchaca´s water droplets in motion unfolds a thorough investigation on mathematical notions, which may explain natural behaviours such as the dynamic of this very particular coastal fog. The artist Mauricio Lacrampette and the mathematician Alejandro Jofré exchange ideas on chaos theory and turbulent flow at the vast Atacama Desert of Northern Chile.