SPACE-EARTH-WATER TRIAD is the local Garden curated by PRISMA: Art, Science, Technology within the framework of Ars Electronica Festival 2020. This triad is a set of three main components of Chilean geography: Astronomy, Desert and Glaciers. The skies of our South-American country are considered by experts the best in the world to study astronomical phenomena. That is the reason why northern Chile hosts several sophisticated astronomical observatories, and Space Exploration constitutes a prominent scientific study field. North Chile is also well known for being the setting for the vast Atacama Desert –the driest desert around the globe–, which extends along the western edge of the Andes Mountains. In contrast with this brown, flat landscape, the southern part of the country owns giant glaciers that shape Chilean Patagonia representing around 80% of South-America`s glaciers.
SPACE-EARTH-WATER TRIAD displays the aforementioned natural diversity throughout local projects that merge art, science and technology in different regions of the country. The curatorial narrative hence sketches two vertical lines: one of them extends from Sky to Earth (and even beyond), and then the other one runs through Chilean North to South linking the three elements of the triad. They all share common concerns on how to foster sustainability and resilience strategies, through a transdisciplinary practice that may bridge the gap between artistic experience, scientific knowledge, and technological tools and media.
SPACE, EARTH and WATER become stars of a constellation explored through PRISMA's website: XIRIUS. The site gathers images, videos, sounds, texts, and ideas regarding the three axes. The constellation pattern recalls the Canis Major, whose brightest star in the night sky is Sirius, also known as the “Dog Star”.
PRISMA: Art, Science, Technology is an inter-institutional initiative based in Santiago de Chile dedicated to promoting the investigation, production and exhibition of different kinds of works located at the intersections of art, science and technology with a particular interest in nature. PRISMA is founded collaboratively by the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile and the University of Chile in 2019, and its goal is to make visible theoretical and practical research related to transdisciplinary convergence between those fields.
PRISMA's main objective is to enhance and enrich dialogues at the crossroads of art, science and technology within both the academic and professional spheres. Our mission is grounded in some epistemological, conceptual and pragmatic aspects that characterise the artistic activity and scientific research. These practices are frequently guided by certain common notions such as observation, formulation of hypothesis, empirical research, creativity, innovation and experience. In fact, many contemporary art and research projects have been resulting from collectives integrated by specialists who hail from very dissimilar fields ranging from the visual arts, cinema, dance and music, to mathematics, physics, biology, neuroscience and engineering.
PRISMA encourages different activities, projects, events and initiatives, which include transdisciplinary artistic-technological investigations. The merging of art and science –data visualisations, robotic installations, 3D printing, immersive environments, sound performances–; collaborative work between artists, professors and students from diverse backgrounds –Art, Design, Engineering, Physics, Mathematics–; exchanges among Art, Design and Engineering Fab Labs where it is possible to materialise art/science creative processes; regular meetings between artists and scientists in PechaKucha presentations devoted to sharing their work; and the formulation of new protocols, methodological guidelines and epistemological principles for the mutual enrichment of daily practice in art and science.